Ways of Marketing Your Web Page From the Outside

Ways of marketing your web pages from the outside - I have a few ideas and opinions about how to do marketing for your web pages from the outside or Off-page optimization as follows:

1. leaving a Comment
Leave comments that are wise and kind and polite so as not to be deleted by the owner of the blog so your backlink is lost, or not published.

2. Social Marketing
These days social marketing is still awake? Belive me! because it will destroy your dreams in the future. Social Networking is currently a powerful tool for the sheer number of visitors and increase few years will become very powerful again. So you have to start planning from now, because it's Social Network is very important for our site.

3. Social Bookmark
(social bookmark: submit networking site where all the web content or your blog)
If you want to master Search Engine at this time, then multiply the Social Bookmark list-many you have. Take advantage of social bookmarking as a link wheel.
(link wheel is round link with each other to create a link bulding a solid, quality, and strong)

4. Finding backlinks from berakhrian. Edu / ac.id and. Gov / go.id
(Domain. Edu and. Gov is more preferable SearchEngine myth and this myth is true)
Usually these links come from education and government sites, how to link edu mendapatkanna list simply by entering the link SEO contest, for example, Business Methods Provide Proof Real site: edu in the google search page. After that list and leave comments there.

5. exchanging links
(exchanging links is to exchange our links with other sites on a voluntary basis)
This method is the most ancient ways according to kang salman so I put it in the final sequence. I think we better write comments on doing this. (applies to the new blog) but the trick is also very useful for you who want to raise popularity site.

Well of all the above points if the result is added to the maximum, create original content, the work itself, no copy and paste (copy and paste the origin without changing any words or images that using) At any Content Is King - Content is King.

Companions tried, no discussion of how interesting this time? If you want to copy this article please, but in the locker so his words with your own style do the same with this, okay?